Audio Description Projects

Writing for media, cinema, theater, and visual arts

In parallel with my artistic practice, I work in the field of audio description, primarily for television and cinema.

What is video description?

Described video (DV), also referred to as video description, is the narration added to the soundtrack to describe important visual details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack alone. Described video is a means to inform individuals who are blind or partially sighted about visual content essential for comprehension. It provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, on-screen text and other visual content. Described video supplements the regular audio track of a program and is usually added during existing pauses in dialogue.

(Source: CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)


Passionate about words, images and cinema, Claudette Lemay has been working in the field of audio description for over ten years, with the mission of making visual culture accessible to all. She is also a media artist and enjoys sharing her storytelling through inclusive narratives and experiences.

She works as an audio description writer at MELS Studios, where she has trained nearly twenty AD writers. Her involvement extends beyond the screen: she has organized a tactile tour of an exhibition in a Montreal art gallery, written and narrated the audio description of a play and co-taught an introductory audio description course at the Université de Montréal.

At the same time, she became involved as a volunteer in accompanying blind people, consolidating her desire to build bridges between diverse communities.

Her career is a testament to her social commitment and creativity, underlining her essential contribution to the field of audio description.

2014 – Present
Writer and trainer in audio description at MELS Studios
2020 – Present
Volunteer companion for blind individuals, members of RAAMM (Regroupement des personnes aveugles et amblyopes du Montréal métropolitain)
Created tactile tours for the exhibition Classe de langue at Artexte
Co-taught an introductory course on audio description, Université de Montréal
Wrote and narrated the audio description for the play Les waitress sont tristes, produced by Joe Jack and John
Completed training in audio description for dance at Danse-Cité
Participated in a research residency at OBORO as part of the program Interroger l’accès: ressources pour les artistes et les organismes.
Organized a tactile tour for the exhibition The Recipe: Making Latin-American Art in Canada
Audio-described and tactile tour of the exhibition The Recipe: Making Latin-American Art in Canada
presented at OBORO in 2020